This is a two part pictorial. The first request is from Vash of The Seaside Stitcher, who is requesting picture of the back of your stitching. Are you brave enough to give this one a shot?

This is my latest finish. All mine are about the same---very mediocre.
The second part comes from Lynn of Singular Stitches, and she is asking for" a pictorial tour of the special place where you go to create your wonderful stitched creations."

This is where I get a bit nervous. This is in my basement, which is comfortable, my favorite place to be (I'm a homebody), and is huge, but my area is cluttered for my "wonderful creations." BTW, these are all thumbnail pix, so you can click for a better view of the insanity.
I have a wonderful soft throw over my recliner and another throw folded over the right arm for covering up when I sleep (yes, I also sleep there; helps my arthritic back). Two shots of the back of my chair show the tables on either side. The little table on the left is a drop leaf and holds my cordless phone, phone books, tissue box, a Longaberger basket with TV Guide and other junk, and my PDA and orchid cell phone. The shelf below the table top holds a divided basket with various medications, lotions, etc. You can see my Udder Cream toppled against the wall. Nice effect. Beyond that along the wall is my curio cabinet jambed with collectibles---another sin, but this is confession time, right? There is the ever-present Dazor lamp, my stitching stand, which has an attachment for use with a recliner, and the big screen in the distance. Can't stitch grandly without a TV. From this image, you can also see the antique round table (gift from my mom - we grew up with it) where sits my little lap stand with my centerpieces, one being one of many Longaberger baskets (have tons from selling them at one time). Still from the back of my chair, which is much less scary than the front, is the little table on my right. On the front is my Irish Belleek decanter and cup set (cup upside down over decanter) in which I keep my ice water. It has shamrocks on it and matches my Longaberger Shamrock baskets hanging from a little wall cabinet on the left of my chair. Beside my decanter is a Longaberger Loaf basket, perfect for my eye drops (dry eyes have to stay moist for grandiose creations), nail file, pen, paper, Vaseline for dry lips (gotta lick 'em when drooling over brilliant creativity), etc. These things show better from the frightening front, but you don't really wanna see 'em. Behind the decanter are my Floss-A-Way bags for my current project, and on top is my Lizzie Kate strawberry scissor case and fob. There is an old, beautifully primitive bowl to the right of my scissors where I save my orts. On the back of the table is a tall generic, but adorable, sewing basket decorated with spools and stuff where I keep my bookmarks and various remotes, some of which are a mystery. Then, to keep me company when my 3 cats aren't readily available is my Boyds Patton Q. Jodibear by Jodi Battaglia, which means absolutely nothing to you.
On to the horror show from the front. His and her computers along the wall 10' behind the chair, then around the corner to the bathroom and my sewing room, where I keep all my stash, sewing machine, serger, shelves, cabinets, etc. Maybe another time for that. Curio cabinet is on the far right with a larger Boyds bear on a little stand up against the curio cabinet. Below that is a pretty, but generic, basket holding mesh zipper bags with various WIP's. To the left of that is a pretty quilted bag holding my most current projects, also in the bags. Down in the middle of it all is a beautiful Longaberger Craft Basket (retired) with two divided, stacked inserts, holding needles, Thread Heaven, and gadgets galore. To the right is a large, light-colored generic basket with liner ($1.77 on sale) where I keep my current book and others I plan to read soon.
I think that's it, except for my purse on your left (more like an overnight bag) and in the background is a tied-up bag of trash.
I hope you all enjoyed seeing this tour of the environment of an enlightened artist.