Do you dream of running your own LNS/ONS? If so, tell us about your dream. If not, tell us about your cross stitch dream… maybe you dream of designing, dyeing your own floss or fabric, etc.This is going to sound like a disgruntled old Maxine-type. I've worked all my life, and I'm a domestic goddess now and have no intention of doing much of anything except exactly what I wanna do for the rest of my life. I've had an unbelievably difficult time in this life, and I have nothing left for anyone but my family, my cats, and my hobbies. If I sound selfish, it's because I'm spent, worn out, and I'm no longer young enough to put up with much out of anyone outside my increasingly smaller circle of friends and family. My Internet friends are right up there with my circle of friends. I enjoy going to my LNS and bantering with the gals there, but I have no desire to have anything requiring discipline, balancing books, pleasing the public, etc. I've owned two businesses, and it's a thankless job. Everyone thinks you're rolling in the $$$, and nothing could be further from the truth. You have to work your backend off, which is why mine has grown since I left the working world. I'd rather stay at home and eat ice cream than work my butt off for nothing. I'm always nice to clerks and owners of the businesses at which I enjoy shopping. Their jobs are hard work, and some people expect a lot and reward them by being ungrateful and rude. I've had enough of that. I won't go down in history as a great entrepreneur, and I don't give a hoot. Family comes first. If my grandkids remember me with a smile, I will have done my best job well.
I spent a quiet day yesterday, working on a dab of Mirabilia's Scent of Old Roses to start off the new year on a positive note. The poor thing got dragged out of hiding, and it took me longer to get out my supplies and stretching her on my stitching frame than any stitching done. But that's OK; intentions were good, and it got me in the mood to finish her this year. In my little under-the-stairs hiding place for the overflow of what's put away in my sewing room where the closet is. The cabinets are full in my sewing room, but it's mostly fabrics and crafty things. The bulk of my cross stitch had to have their own place. DH is not allowed in my closet. In the shuffling to pull out my bag with Scent of Old Roses and supplies, I dumped over a whole plastic drawer box of alphabetized hand-dyed fibers, which I now have to refile. As those of you who know me can see, I've changed to a different template and have nothing else on my blog except my posts. I'm looking for a less cluttered look anyway, but I do want to do some experimentation and add some interest. I may change templates again. I've seen other sites with very attractive templates I'm thinking of. I'm writing this post as I'm on hold with a credit card company. My call is very important to them, blah, blah, blah......I didn't make any resolutions for the new year because I never keep 'em. But I do hold out hope that the mood will strike that I'll work out better eating habits and limited exercize (limited because of lupus); therefore, lose some tonnage in the process. I'm just very unhappy with myself right now. If it hadn't been for my butt, I wouldn't have knocked over my little floss cabinet, LOL! The nice thing about a new year for us stitchers is that we have high hopes for a more productive stitching year, and though I won't commit to it, it's what I hope for.Hope all my stitching blogger friends had a great Christmas, Hannukah, or whatever applies, and my hope is that your new year is blessed with fun and plentiful stitching!