Anyone in her right mind wouldn't share these pix, but my claim to fame has never included sanity. This was the night following my eye sugery for droopy eyelids (ptosis), which was cutting off nearly 50% of my vision. This was not cosmetic surgery by any means, but corrective surgery. I would never consent to any cosmetic surgery after this experience. I was awake during the whole procedure because I had to follow the surgeon's instructions to determine how much cutting and how much movement to the muscles to do, and despite local anesthetic, it was a horrifying experience. They gave me Vercet to

relax me, but I metabolize it differently, or faster, than other people, and when they put a buckled strap over my legs and put my arms in restraining sheets in pockets at either side of the table, I became a raving maniac. Especially when they grabbed the muscle over each lid. I made the surgeon scratch my cheek when it itched; I demanded more "juice" (Vercet); I tried to break free; I told him I had to sneeze; and I did manage to maneuver the oxygen out of my nose and bite and blow the dressing off my lower face. Now that, my friends, is what is called the "fight or flight" response. The best they did for me was flood numbing drops into my eyes. Worthless..... When he finally told me he didn't need to give me instructions any more, I said, "Where's my anesthesiologist? Give me the juice!" Didn't do a damn bit of good, though, cause the doc was suturing me, and I felt every needle stab, downward and upward, saw and felt the drawing up with thread (catgut, or whatever it is they use). Didn't sleep till I got home hours later. Just goes to show your pets love you no matter how you look, bless their little hearts!
I followed instructions to the letter, which kept me so busy, I had time for little else, but using the ice 15 min. every hour kept my eyes from swelling shut, which sometimes happens to people. The pix you see here don't look good, but even after the swelling started, I could see better than before. Hard to believe. I haven't had one iota of pain since the actual surgery, though I know it looks quite painful. The recovery has been a piece of cake---really! Cleaning my sutures hasn't even hurt. I guess after the barbaric surgery, pain is relative.
The following pix were the 2nd day. After that, vast improvements have occurred. I was expecting the surgery to be easy and the recovery to be

horrific. It has been just the opposite!

For more horror, just give the pix a click. OMG!!!
I promise nice things to come tomorrow. Sweet dreams, LOL!!!
Oh Nancy! You are not scary at all!!! LOL
I also don't think you look bad at all! You should have seen me after my family's car accident in Mar, 1970. Now that was scary!!
You'll look fantastic when swelling and redness goes away.
Nancy, I was expecting something much much worse. The pix of you aren't bad at all. I'm glad it's over and you're feeling no pain now. Congrats on the weight loss too.
Oh, Nancy, you were so brave to go through that awake! And, no, you're not at all scary!! I'm so queasy about things like that, that I just couldn't imagine.
Ahhh, unconditional kitty love. Worth much more than it's weight in gold, and just as important in the healing process as the strongest medicine could be.
Atleast you didn't have a mustache on the close up! And you have great color eyes LOL Love ya babe! Keep your spirits up! And congrates on the weight loss! You'll catch up to me yet, I'm at 27lbs now :)
Oh my goodness! I can't imagine such a horrifying experience. You poor dear! I'm glad the worst is behind you. Heal quickly!
Thank goodness it's over and I am glad it helped. I felt bad when I say your photos, but glad you aren't in pain. You'll be your gorgeous self soon!
I meant to tell you last night how sweet Amber looked all snuggled up on your lap. : )
My first thought was a huge OUCH. I'm so hoping that it does not get painful later and that you heal up quickly. In the end though being able to see more clearly will be such a blessing. {{hugs}}
Please tell me who did your surgery i really need 2 know!!! e-mail me at chestnutw4@yahoo.com
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