Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Exhaustion Took Over Last Night

Doesn't this dog look happy playing Reindog? What we don't do to our pets to make them look festive, LOL! This dog belongs to a co-worker of my daughter's. She couldn't quit lauging at his expression, so she sent it to me.
Yesterday was so busy for me and so frustrating, I collapsed when I finally got home and watched my DVR'ed soaps and QVC shows I would have missed otherwise. Yes, I admit it. I'm an addict.
Anyway, after dealing with grandkids and their friends, driving all over town, finding out something cleared my bank that I wasn't expecting, and the overdraft protection kicked in with ungodly charges ($10 for each $100), then finding out my new glasses were the wrong prescription and have to be reordered. I told them something was wrong, and they kept telling me my brain had to get used to the new corrction. My brain doesn't translate total blindness very well. I was just totally out of sorts at the day's end, and I didn't think the day would ever end. I was not in the mood to do anything but veg. Any stitching I would have done would have been frogged anyway. Getting this dog's picture was a nice start for this day, so maybe I'll finish my little gift for my special friend.


Wendy said...

Sounds like you had an awful day, Nancy! But I love the doggie picture you posted - the poor thing looks totally humiliated in his antlers!

I hope you get your beta woes sorted out, but its sounds like you're not having any luck there either.

Anne S said...

Oh Nancy, what a dreadful day you had when you posted this ... you're right, we do seem to be having a run of it, don't we? I hope your days are brighter since ... I must say that dog piccie put a huge smile on my face, the poor thing! :D {{hugs}} Can't wait to see your Winter Line Up all finished - I was eyeing that one up on KarenV's blog, and I can't wait to see it 'in real life' (ie not the chart piccie).

Barb said...

Cute picture of your dog! Sorry you had such a bad day.

Meari said...

That dog looks like he is *not* having a good time. LOL