Saturday, January 29, 2011

My 12-Year Old, Bear

I have a huge soft spot in my heart for Bear. He has been uprooted 4 times in his 12 years. He was owned by a family who had triplets, and they no longer wanted him, so my sister-in-law took him. He lived with her for most of his adult life, then she moved from her apartment to a duplex she purchased in August of 2009. She worried about having to uproot him once again, but he adapted just fine. Very sadly, she was unwell and died in December of 2009, only 4 months after buying her duplex. Bear just slept on her bed and friends went to feed him till DH and his only other sister went 3 hours to pick him up and bring him to our home. There was definitely an adjustment period, as he hadn't been with other cats since kittyhood. We already had 4 females. You can see by the pictures that he has it made here now and has captured our hearts. He's too heavy in the middle and is pigeon-toed, but he's a dear, a love, and has me totally wrapped around his little paw. He follows me around the house and is my constant companion. I'm crazy about him! The pictures tell the whole story.


blueladie said...

Oh Nancy, he's a sweetheart. What a wonderful addition to your home. :D Cathryn

Vikki Gable said...

How cute that he is pigeon toed! LOL

Shelleen said...

he is adorable!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

He's a dolly...I'd not make my bed for him too ;)

Pam in PA said...

Oh Nancy, he is a sweetheart. I had my daughter's Tiger for 23 years so I know how you feel. You have my prayers for you & Bear.

CreativeStitch said...

I and all my 9 furbabies are praying for you Bear! Please keep us posted!