Friday, January 06, 2006

Thank you all

for your prayers and soothing words of comfort. I have nothing but good news, and everything that you ladies have done with your prayers and good vibes has worked. I love you all so very much!

I guess I'm of the "half empty" rather than "half full" way of thinking, but life experiences sometimes does that to people, and I am one of those woeful people, much to my chagrin, though I try to think positive. I cried till my eyes were nearly swollen shut, prayed without ceasing and fell asleep in exhaustion. I couldn't even bring myself to call the vet this morning so Richard did. While I held my breath, I heard the happiness in his voice. "She's healthy and ready to go home?" We'll be right there!"

OMG, it was the happiest reunion I've had in a very long time. Amber was trembling with nervousness till we got closer to home, then she pranced in like she owned the house. I'll never jump to conclusions again. She's just very active, drinks a lot of water, pees a lot, and leaves huge clumps in the litter box. I'm just not used to this as compared to my other two cats, who are not as active, and the painful meows coming from Amber were in the beginning when she truly did have a bladder infection.

Thanks to all of you who showed concern, to Amber's Creator, and to her vet who was able to clear up her infection the last time and tell me to try not to worry. If I could have only thought positively. Love you all.....


Singular Stitches said...

I am SO glad to hear she's better!!! She's lucky to have you as a KittyMom!

BeckySC said...

Hi Nancy :)
I am sorry I missed your prayer's been a long couple of days and sometimes when time is short-I click on comments on my blog and comment to those that left a comment to me-That is what I did yesterday and I missed visiting you.
I am happy to hear your good news :)

BIG hugs!

Jenn said...

ooohh I'm so glad to hear that she's ok, home and happy.

Shelleen said...

nancy, I am so happy that your cat is ok. I have been keeping you in my prayers :-)

Kali said...

Wonderful news about our kitty Nancy!!

Susimac said...

Im really pleased that she is OK and back home and happy


Vash said...

So pleased to hear that Amber is ok. [hugs]

Dianne said...

I just saw this too. I am sorry I missed the post. Glad the little baby is better.Give her a kitty kiss from her coz. : )

Anne S said...

So happy to hear the good news about your fur-baby ... it's easy to fret when we adore them so much :) Mum always said we're not the owners of them, it's definitely the other way round ;) Yay, very happy for you :))

Juanita said...

Great news!!! I'm so glad to hear that Amber is well again.

Kim said...

I can't tell you how thrilled I am that your kitty is home and doing well! What a relief!

Chelle said...

I'm glad to hear your kitty is ok Nancy!