Sunday, February 18, 2007

Whew! Got It Back!

I really don't know how, but I got it back---not exactly the way it was. It's a bit better, actually, except I want to use a different picture of Amber, and the photo size needs a bit of tweaking; plus I need to add some things to my sidebar. Right now, I'm just going to leave things alone and rest my mind and my nerves.

I must get more pix of my WIPs up, but for now, I need a shower and my head shampooed. I know this is TMI, but I stink. Anxiety makes me smell. You can go ahead and laugh. I am just so relieved, I'm also going to eat something after I get rid of the smell.


Elizabeth MacGregor-Kirkcaldy said...

Hi Nancy... I enjoyed wandering around your blog... you have some lovely finishes... I'm glad you got things sorted out with your blog... I can't imagine all that work just disappearing... makes me think about backing mine up somehow! lol

Anne S said...

Yay, you managed to fix it and preserve your sanity in the process - way to go! ;)

Sally said...

Wahoo so pleased you got your blog fixed Nancy!

Wendy said...

Hi Nancy~ Your blog template looks great, sorry to hear you've having so many troubles with it. And they say the new version of Blogger is so much easier to use...yeah, right!

Michele said...

whew! glad you got it back :) and it looks great!